Sample Resident Schedule

Participants are provided with a structured, supervised living experience aimed at reinforcing the skills needed for independent living. Recreational activities are scheduled at our onsite pool, tennis courts, billiard room, and the fitness center. Weekend outings and events are planned to take advantage of the surrounding cultural and recreational resources, including hikes, movies, museums, sports events and dining out at restaurants.
MONDAYJob ClubArt GroupMen’s GroupApartment Check
TUESDAYMusic GroupNutrition GroupExerciseApartment Check
WEDNESDAYJob ClubBuilding ConnectionsExercise Group
Shopping Day
Apartment Check
THURSDAYCleaning DayMovie GroupWomen’s Group Apartment Check
FRIDAYTennis GroupStress Management GroupCooking GroupApartment Check
WEEKENDPlanned Group ActivitiesGames GroupArt GroupApartment Check

Considering Enrolling at the Independence Center? Let's Get In Touch!

Let us know what we can do to make your life easier and feel confident that your loved one is getting the care they deserve.
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